Monday, March 18, 2013

Thanks to everyone who joined us on Twitter during the final NSMNSS event to discuss issues related to data and analysis quality arising from social media research - it was great to have a range of people involved. If you weren't able to make the event, or if you want to take another look at what was said, the transcript is available after the jump...

From UserTweet
VickiMcDermottRT @StephenWNatCen: Excellent #NSMNSS quality in social media event today with @G_Morrell @jess1ecat @VickiMcDermott @DrLukeSloan @KBeninger @NatCen
jess1ecatAre you conducting e-research? @NSMNSS needs your input to identify what ethical guidelines should look like #NSMNSS
barbour_roseAttended really interesting session today on social media research #NSMNSS
jess1ecatYes â€Å“@bristoljames: Can #Twitter open up a new space for learning, teaching and thinking? via @guardian” #NSMNSS
DrLukeSloanRT @StephenWNatCen: Excellent #NSMNSS quality in social media event today with @G_Morrell @jess1ecat @VickiMcDermott @DrLukeSloan @KBeninger @NatCen
OTthoughtsRT @socphd: Let's not keep this dynamic collaboration a secret invite others to join us please RT #nsmnss #edchat #soMe4D #occhat
jess1ecatRT @StephenWNatCen: Excellent #NSMNSS quality in social media event today with @G_Morrell @jess1ecat @VickiMcDermott @DrLukeSloan @KBeninger @NatCen
StephenWNatCenExcellent #NSMNSS quality in social media event today with @G_Morrell @jess1ecat @VickiMcDermott @DrLukeSloan @KBeninger @NatCen
jess1ecatâ€Å“@HEA_Sociology: FREE workshop in April - using social media in teaching” #NSMNSS
jess1ecatThanks to everyone who contributed online & in person to the #NSMNSS debates today it's much appreciated.
KBeninger@jess1ecat big thanks! It was a great day, lots covered n debated. I just hope I caught it all! #nsmnss
KBeningerGoogle's privacy policy slammed #nsmnss
DrLukeSloanRT @NSMNSS: @DrLukeSloan  findings show there is no gender bias on twitter #nsmnss what other demographics can we establish? class?age?ethnicity?
DrLukeSloanRT @NSMNSS: @DrLukeSloan issues of SM research include geographical and age, human or 'bot', messy interactions ie 'RT' #nsmnss
KBeningerThanks to everyone that contributed to a great afternoon, both offline and on. Have a great weekend! #nsmnss
elliott_kedbsRT @NSMNSS: For all this and more, check out our blog next week for more info #nsmnss
NSMNSSFor all this and more, check out our blog next week for more info #nsmnss
NSMNSSSave the date! 16 April: series of keynotes about how to do different types of SM research.Check out blog next week for more details.#nsmnss
NSMNSSand that's a wrap! We will post a summary blog about today's event so watch this space, and our blog #nsmnss
dataknutRT @NSMNSS: 'ESRC' developing ideas for 'new online social research centre' Fascinating. Is this 'pencil studies' for the 21C? :-) #nsmnss
NSMNSSWe are now splitting into smaller groups to sum up the day so we will come back soon #nsmnss
NSMNSSnew social media wont replace social surveys but should be integrated into it, and feed into policy discussions. #nsmnss
NSMNSSin the same way busniess can't afford not to respond to sites like trip advisor, gov cant not engage in NSM bc its the way forward #nsmnss
NSMNSSnew social media is sensitive in terms of public perceptions so some bodies may not want to appear to work in that realm #nsmnss
NSMNSS@Natcen used social media analysis for a gov study and it added a new dimension, wider contextual elements of programme evaluated #nsmnss
NSMNSSThe open sharing of knowledge is a good appeal for government to buy in to new social media #nsmnss
NSMNSSCertain sectors demand a turn to online because of the type of content being sought, but  may not be for everyone. #nsmnss
NSMNSSgovernment is interested but there are concerns of ethics and privacy which may make it difficult to engage w gov #nsmnss
NSMNSSwhat is the capacity of NSM to influence policy? #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: The purpose of the ESRC meeting will be to refine research themes of a new online social research centre, discuss scope. #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: ESRC is planning a town meeting on social media research. We will find out more and share- watch this space #nsmnss
NSMNSSThe purpose of the ESRC meeting will be to refine research themes of a new online social research centre, discuss scope of centre. #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: to tackle inclusivity & create guidance, we need to be speaking with the public, not just amongst resrchrs > well said #nsmnss
NSMNSSESRC is planning a town meeting on social media research. We will find out more and share- watch this space #nsmnss
NSMNSSto tackle inclusivity and create guidance, we need robust research speaking with the public, not just amongst researchers #nsmnss
NSMNSS@dataknut interesting, can you expand on that? Should people not be worried then about their info being out there forever? #nsmnss
NSMNSSOn defining parameters, its argued it is more helpful to speak on level of principles rather than at framework levels #nsmnss
dataknutRT @NSMNSS: 'consequences of digital footprints- no take-back.' in principle, but in prac. limits to storage, data drop policies etc #nsmnss
NSMNSS@dataknut but how do you define 'sample properly' when you can't be sure of identity? #nsmnss
NSMNSS@dataknut Interesting comment, there are some at the #nsmnss event now that argue that isn't systematic or applicable.
jess1ecatWhat do #NSMNSS â€Å“@DMMM_NMI: A question to everyone, what are experiences of 'mainstreaming' digital, are you mainstream or marginal? #dmmm3”
NSMNSSThere are people who don't see a distinction between offline and online identities.Some people dont use that, its just communication #nsmnss
dataknutRT @NSMNSS: `reflections- can we generalise w online data?' sure, if we've sampled properly & the 'universe' is unbiased etc #nsmnss
dataknutRT @NSMNSS: 'do we need quality framework for online research?' no. just apply the ones we already have. #noexcuse for bad research #nsmnss
NSMNSSsome think there is a shocking lack of digital literacy which people not knowing what is possible, what can be done with their data #nsmnss
NSMNSSA practical element to hiding identity, can be used in an empowering, positive way. #nsmnss
NSMNSS#NSMNSS members reflecting on new social media's ability to improve inclusivity bc people share online things they wouldn't offline
jess1ecatRT @stephenwNatcen says we need to build on good foundations so we're producing robust resrch. We need a stronger dialogue on ethics #nsmnss
jess1ecatWe could be the momentum! #nsmnss
NSMNSS@stephenwNatcen says we need to build on good foundations so we are producing robust research. We need a stronger dialogue on ethics #nsmnss
NSMNSSreflections- can we generalise w online data? do we need quality framework for online research? If so, where is momentum for this? #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: In new social media what reality are we trying to get? How do we adjsut for it? DO we need to adjust for it? #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: be clear on what reality you are accessing is the key point @stephenwnatcen is making #nsmnss
NSMNSSbe clear on what reality you are accessing is the key point @stephenwnatcen is making #nsmnss
NSMNSSthis @natcen study on online grooming shows examples of fantasy, distorted reality, lack of consequences and changed identity. #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: Check out slides and papers on online grooming which @StephenWNatCen is now talking about at @natcen in #nsmnss event
NSMNSSCheck out slides and papers on online grooming which @StephenWNatCen is now talking about at @natcen in #nsmnss event
NSMNSSconsequences of digital footprints- you can delete tweet but there is no take-back. Your digital footprint is out there forever #nsmnss
NSMNSSCons to understanding online behaviour- what is said online cannot be directly linked to offline life, impulsivity in tweeting #nsmnss
NSMNSS@StephenWnatcen mentiones Suler (2004) work on online disinhibition effect- offline& online identity vary & so do consequences #nsmnss
NSMNSSIn new social media what reality are we trying to get? How do we adjsut for it? DO we need to adjust for it? #nsmnss
NSMNSS@stephenwnatcen is talking about this @natcen online grooming project  #nsmnss
NSMNSS@StephenWNatCen talks about a study on online social grooming- social desirability acting vs your true self #nsmnss
NSMNSS@StephenWNatCen  we must put social media data in context and not be so tough on ourselves, when comparing against social surveys #nsmnss
NSMNSS@StephenWNatCen begins discussion on what is social media telling us here at the #NSMNSS event
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: to do a network analysis on RTs is fascinating but you need 100% sample of output to do this #nsmnss
NSMNSSWe are now on a coffee break! Up next at 3pm is @StephenWNatCen #nsmnss
NSMNSSto do a network analysis on RTs is fascinating but you need 100% sample of output to do this #nsmnss
NSMNSS'how do you deal with RTs?' - RT helps ensure connections across individuals but how to tell if RT because good or because bad? #nsmnss
NSMNSSVisit #nsmnss blog next week to read blog from @Demos on the project we have been tweeting about
NSMNSS@Demos is using this approach to analyse french, german and dutch sentiment. Took over 5 million tweets & condense to manageabledata #nsmnss
NSMNSSconsent is there, and its following ethical consideration in line w ESRC's six research principles #nsmnss
NSMNSSOn natural language process-''Tweets that are inherently limited to 140 characters transform language and create a distinct lexicon' #nsmnss
NSMNSSComputation can be used to condense, better understand #, RT, commentary, twitter profiles #nsmnss
NSMNSSEuropean sentiments proj includes tweets about euro, european football etc you need to find a smarter way of learning whats useful #nsmnss
NSMNSSnatural language processing can be used in analysing political twitter discussions across countries/language. #nsmnss
NSMNSS@merry30 thanks! We will share this in the discussion now #nsmnss
NSMNSS@Demos speakers, Evrim and Sid now talk about how we can bring new insights to NSM using natural language processing #nsmnss
NSMNSS@StephenWNatCen says you cant do it- different questions, different environment. Like putting round square in peg hole #nsmnss
NSMNSS@DrLukeSloan says NSM has to fight for credibility by comparison against gold standards in research. Is that the way to go? #nsmnss
NSMNSS@barbour_rose  says we are assuming anonymity is a good thing but some ppl may not feel that way- culture of reality media  #nsmnss
NSMNSS'thats the gap'- we aren't systematically analysing NSM, instead anecdotally applying ideas #nsmnss
NSMNSS'we are validating new world realms w old world rules.Not appropriate. NSM needs similar transition in discourse as quant 2 qual had #nsmnss
NSMNSS@g_morrell asks how do people advise on representiveness to students or colleagues? #nsmnss
merry30RT @jess1ecat: BTW *applauds* the NSMNSS tweeter today @KBeninger great job keeping the outside world in the loop on events @natcen. #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: Follow #nsmnss tag to read more exciting thoughts, from our quality in new social media event happening @natcen now! #nsmnss
jess1ecatBTW *applauds* the NSMNSS tweeter today @KBeninger great job keeping the outside world in the loop on events @natcen. #nsmnss
NSMNSS@aliceryley @jess1ecat Follow #nsmnss tag to read more exciting thoughts, from our quality in new social media event happening @natcen now!
NSMNSSanonymity of twitter is a bit more exciting than FB states some #nsmnss members, making recuritment easier on Twitter
aliceryley@jess1ecat Wow! This sounds really exciting! #nsmnss #hse
NSMNSS@NSMNSS @StephenWNatCen @VickiMcDermott says no, its difficult to know and also potentially ethical conerns around identifying #nsmnss
NSMNSS@StephenWNatCen asks about building in tracking to compare online & offline responses, of those that involved in both study elements.#nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: People are playing catch up with ethics in social media guidelines. where to look? what to implement? #nsmnss
PennyYNatCenRT @NSMNSS: #nsmnss Do twitter uses know how their data is used? @NatCen  research now on looking into public's views no ethics
jess1ecatRT Do twitter uses know how their data is used? @NatCen  research now on looking into publics views onethics #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT @vickimcdermott benefits of recruit w twitter- increased confidentiality, link w support twitter pages #nsmnss
NSMNSS@vickimcdermott twitter survey asked about experience w violence, frequency, forms of violence, diff behaviours.Feeds to wider study #nsmnss
NSMNSS@vickimcdermott benefits of recruit w twitter- increased confidentiality, link w support twitter pages #nsmnss
NSMNSS@VickiMcDermott talks about issues in 2 case studies which recruited w Twitter- representativeness? How this influenced findings?  #nsmnss
merry30@NSMNSS It's at Haven't used it yet (was too late!) but used earlier version (good but quite dated - 2002). #nsmnss
NSMNSS@merry30 yes, you are right. The issue w NSM is that much is unknown espec. around what decisions to make #nsmnss
NSMNSS@VickiMcdermott now kicks off session 2 at #nsmnss event by providing case studies.Details on cases here
NSMNSS#nsmnss Do twitter uses know how their data is used? @NatCen  research now on looking into public's views no ethics
3pipenetRT @NSMNSS: just learned @britishlibrary archives blogs! Lots of interest around room w that comment. How long they hold it?  #nsmnss
NSMNSS@merry30 Thanks! Where can we find that? Have you used them yet and if so, thoughts? #nsmnss
merry30@NSMNSS  But that's true of all research & ethical issues, isn't it?  Not just digital.  #nsmnss
NSMNSSjust learned @britishlibrary archives blogs! Lots of interest around room w that comment. How long they hold it?  #nsmnss
merry30@NSMNSS  Assoc. of Internet Researchers have recently brought out revised ethics guidelines for internet research. May be helpful. #nsmnss
NSMNSSdigital transcends country-lines. You can't apply UK laws onto foreign countries so how do you manage? #nsmnss
JamieJBartlett@NSMNSS openness a consideration but in both research ethics & law (RIPA) reasonable expectation of privacy and possible harm key. #NSMNSS
NSMNSSif you have an algorithm that predicts crime on FB, do you use it? FB is open so easy to promote...what do you do? #nsmnss
NSMNSSPeople are playing catch up with ethics in social media guidelines. where to look? what to implement? #nsmnss
NSMNSSfb groups self-identifying- you can advertise to particular groups.But, issue on anonymity and w sensitive topics ie criminal behav #nsmnss
NSMNSStwitter privacy settings say we can take tweets,find their location, their interests and share. It is an open door right now #nsmnss ethics?
NSMNSSThe discussion is really flowing at #nsmnss event! Comparison of ethics in different arenas- commercial, academia, applied social research
NSMNSS'you say you do one thing but then buy load of vodka and bacon' - on tesco online shopping crossed w tesco online life insurance #nsmnss
NSMNSSAll we discuss based on current understanding of tech. Times changing so how will we adapt?Too bad we can't look back historically #nsmnss
NSMNSSPeople tweet on their phones when on the move, tweet on PCs when on the office. What can we draw from this behaviour difference? #nsmnss
NSMNSSHow to measure the cases that fall in between social survey and NSM? Some cases are clear but what about the vague ones? #nsmnss
NSMNSSgoogle trends and twitter analytics are a good real-time sense of things. but how accurate? #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT potential for one verifying the other. Health survey for England- people tweet asthama attack or flu then use geo-tags to locate  #nsmnss
jess1ecatRT  @StephenWNatCen says it depends on how we establish the veracity. Its a new media and itll be years before we've clear guidance. #nsmnss
NSMNSSpotential for one verifying the other. Health survey for England- people tweet asthama attack or flu then use geo-tags to locate  #nsmnss
jess1ecat@amcunningham therein lies the difficulty I think, accurate, reliable sample frames are tricky if existing. #nsmnss
NSMNSSFor gold standard data you still need traditional social surveys. What could replace the british crime survey? #nsmnss
NSMNSS@StephenWNatCen says it depends on how we establish the veracity. Its a new media and it'll be years before we have clear guidance #nsmnss
NSMNSSIs it the end of the social survey debate? #NSMNSS
NSMNSS'locomotor data collection' - compressed but constant twitter collection #NSMNSS
amcunningham@jess1ecat is there any data on twitter users in UK so can not if sample representative of UK twitter popn? #nsmnss@drlukesloan
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: @DrLukeSloan wraps up his session by stating we will still be employed in 5 years! Great start to the day #nsmnss
amcunninghamRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
NSMNSS@DrLukeSloan wraps up his session by stating we will still be employed in 5 years! Great start to the day #NSMNSS
jess1ecatRT @DrLukeSloan  findings show there is no gender bias on twitter what other demographics can we establish? class?age?ethnicity? #nsmnss
NSMNSSCan't follow the twitter feed from today's #nsmnss event? No problem! An archive will be posted next week to
jess1ecat#NSMNSS event underway now, please follow the #tag to join in and contribute, we'll be archiving the stream on our blog too. #nsmnss
NSMNSS@DrLukeSloan  findings show there is no gender bias on twitter #nsmnss what other demographics can we establish? class?age?ethnicity?
jess1ecatRT @NSMNSS: First up is @DrLukeSloan on linking survey and twitter data, fidelity & rigour and questions new avenues for research #nsmnss
NSMNSS@DrLukeSloan provides ex of tracking origin of racist tweet using geo-tagging- looking at whether people are true selves on twitter  #nsmnss
amcunninghamRT @NSMNSS: Half hour to go before #nsmnss event kicks off w discussion of augmenting curated data w twitter feeds. Lots of discussion already going on!
NSMNSS@DrLukeSloan  issues can be solved by linking w curated data- geographies ie user profiles, content & geo-tagging. suggests geo-tag #nsmnss
NSMNSS@DrLukeSloan issues of SM research include geographical and age, human or 'bot', messy interactions ie 'RT' #nsmnss
DrPetraRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
NSMNSSFirst up is @DrLukeSloan on linking survey and twitter data, fidelity & rigour and questions new avenues for research #nsmnss
NSMNSSIt is a packed room @natcen with people representing various disciplines and backgrounds- sure to be a great discussion! #nsmnss
NSMNSS@G_Morrell Welcomes #nsmnss members and comments on focus of day being on quality in social media research
NSMNSS@andycoverdale thanks for the RT. Watch this space for twitter feed of today's #nsmnss event on quality of SM research, starting in 20 mins
NSMNSSHalf hour to go before #nsmnss event kicks off w discussion of augmenting curated data w twitter feeds. Lots of discussion already going on!
KBeningerall set up at #nsmnss event on quality of social media research, and the first couple attendees have arrived!
jess1ecatWelcome to delegates attending our last knowledge exchange event today @NatCen follow #nsmnss for debates on quality in soc media res.
NatCenRT @NSMNSS: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
VickiMcDermottRT @NSMNSS: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
HampdenThompsonRT @NSMNSS: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
VickiMcDermottRT @NSMNSS: New #NSMNSS blog! 'Sampling issues of using Twitter to recruit...' via @VickiMcDermott and @billymcfarlane
NCRMUKRT @NSMNSS: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
NSMNSSIf you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
KBeningerRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
KBeningerNew #nsmnss blog on 'Sampling issues of using Twitter to recruit...' via @vickimcdermott and @billymcfarlane
merry30RT @jess1ecat: Today is all about #NSMNSS, follow the hash to join our discussions on quality in social media research.
VickiMcDermottRT @NSMNSS: We are looking forward to the #nsmnss event today on quality in SM research!
NSMNSSWe are looking forward to the #nsmnss event today on quality in SM research!
NSMNSSNew #NSMNSS blog! 'Sampling issues of using Twitter to recruit...' via @VickiMcDermott and @billymcfarlane
DrJeremySegrottRT @DrLukeSloan: Presenting at #NatCen today on augmenting curated data with social media #NSMNSS
DrLukeSloanPresenting at #NatCen today on augmenting curated data with social media #NSMNSS
philwaneRT @jess1ecat: Today is all about #NSMNSS, follow the hash to join our discussions on quality in social media research.
VickiMcDermottOn my way to London to #NSMNSS  quality in social media research. I've bought a stack of articles to read on the way :)
VickiMcDermottRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
kshjensenRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
3pipenetRT @jess1ecat: Today is all about #NSMNSS, follow the hash to join our discussions on quality in social media research.
amcunninghamRT @jess1ecat: Today is all about #NSMNSS, follow the hash to join our discussions on quality in social media research.
NSMNSSRT @jess1ecat: Today is all about #NSMNSS, follow the hash to join our discussions on quality in social media research.
jess1ecatToday is all about #NSMNSS, follow the hash to join our discussions on quality in social media research.
AmySResRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
jlwestwoodRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
HEA_SocSciRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
DrSiHammondRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
drkatyvigursRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
socphdRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
teago_emplawRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
NSMNSSRT @jess1ecat: If you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
NSMNSSRT @jess1ecat: Excited about today's #NSMNSS exploring quality in social media research. If you're coming bring a brolly it's wet out today!
jess1ecatIf you can't attend today's quality in social media research #NSMNSS event @NatCen then follow the # to join in at 1.30pm.
jess1ecatExcited about today's #NSMNSS exploring quality in social media research. If you're coming bring a brolly it's wet out today!

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